Osteopathy is the art of naturally healing any blockage which has occurred at a structural level (joints, muscles ..) and at the level of internal organs (stomach, liver ..), by restoring movement and balance.
Many diseases are cured and/or prevented through postural re-balance.
Historically born more than a hundred years ago with the work of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, it was immediately conceived as a holistic therapy, i.e related to the human being as a whole. Osteopathy, and especially biomechanical analysis (science that studies the laws governing the movement and balance of the living organism), today both allow for the discovery of global postural imbalances and the application of adequate preventions of diseases, such as the chronic osteo-articular ones. ”
Osteopathic techniques are essentially divided into three branches, in relation to the tissues involved in the first place:
- Structural, for correct articular biomechanics and musculoskeletal supporting tissue
- Visceral, for correct internal movement of the organs and viscera, their mutual sliding relationship and in coordination with the body diaphragms, in particular with the thoracic and pelvic diaphragm
- Cranio-sacral, for the elasticity and balance of the skull, in order to allow the correct primary respiratory movement, dictated by the physiological displacement of the cerebrospinal fluid.
- neck pain, back pain, low back pain (also gravidic), coccygeal and sacral pain, tendinitis, whiplash, coxalgia (pain in the hips) and knee pain, disc herniations
- sciatica, cruralgia, cervico-brachialgia, scapulohumeral periarthritis
- disorders of the temporomandibular joint, deglutition problems, facial neuralgia
- otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, headaches
- gastro-oesophageal reflux, irritable colon, constipation, gastritis
- gynecological-urinary system and pregnancy: menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, recurrent cystitis, post-partum syndromes, pregnancy pains
- insomnia and anxiety
Osteopathy in pediatrics
The fetus remains in the mother’s womb for about 9 months. Having to adapt to a small space, it often takes intra-uterine positions predisposing to
blockage of movement. The expulsion phase through the birth canal can occur with possible difficulties related to the type of presentation and fetal position and to the variable timing of labour itself.
The birth is said to be one of the most stressful times of our lives.
All this can create blocks to the correct movement of the skull and cerebrospinal fluid, sleep disturbances, impaired deglutition, intestinal colic, altered dental occlusion, reflux, recurrent otitis, abnormal posture. Pediatric Osteopathy can be started immediately, after a initial check during the first days of life

Neonata nei primi mesi di vita